Palm Beach County top Realtors – Annual realTrends/Wall Street Journal ranking
Jeff Ostrowski writes in his article for the Palm Beach Post on Monday, June 29th, 2015 ” with the mansion market growing ever hotter, Palm Beach County agents were among some of the most productive in the nation last year, according to the annual RealTRENDS/Wall Street Journal ranking.” This year “second among Palm Beach County brokers was Christian Angle of Christian Angle Real Estate in Palm Beach. He handled deals totaling $219 million last year, up from $202 million in 2013, when he was the county’s top agent.Congratulations to all agents listed – it was not without hard work!!
To read the full article please visit http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/business/real-estate/palm-beach-county-realtors-make-top-100-john-malon/nmnpQ/